You arise early in the morning to a light rain flittering onto your face. You left the window open overnight and the wind, gentle though it is, is blowing the water droplets onto your slowly waking form. You sit up and look around, pulling your window shut as you do so. A knock sounds politely at your door. A voice calls out. "It is time to wake up..." [[Continue|Are you a young man or a young lady?]]Are you a man or a women? I am a [[man|You are male.]] I am a [[woman|You are female.]](set: $gender to "man")(set: $titleC to "Mister")(set: $waiting to "valet")(set: $waitingname to "Benedict")(set: $gentleC to "Gentleman")(set: $genderC to "Man")(set: $title to "mister")(set: $waitingC to "Valet")(set: $gentlepl to "gentlemen")(set: $gentleplC to "Gentlemen")(set: $gentle to "gentleman")(set: $waitingpov to "he")(set: $waitingpovC to "He")(set: $waitingposs to "his")(set: $waitingpossC to "His")So you're a man. What is your name? [[John|My name is John.]] [[William|My name is William.]] [[James|My name is James.]] [[George|My name is George.]] [[Charles|My name is Charles.]] [[My name is none of these!|My name is...]](set: $gender to "woman")(set: $title to "miss")(set: $waiting to "lady-in-waiting")(set: $waitingname to "Beatrice")(set: $gentle to "gentlewoman")(set: $genderC to "Woman")(set: $titleC to "Miss")(set: $waitingC to "Lady-in-waiting") (set: $gentlepl to "ladies")(set: $gentleC to "Gentlewoman")(set: $gentleplC to "Ladies")(set: $waitingpov to "she")(set: $waitingpovC to "She")(set: $waitingposs to "her")(set: $waitingpossC to "Her")So you're a woman. What is your name? [[Mary|My name is Mary.]] [[Anna|My name is Anna.]] [[Margaret|My name is Margaret.]] [[Helen|My name is Helen.]] [[Elizabeth|My name is Elizabeth.]] [[None of these!|My name is...]] (set: $firstname to "John")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "William")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "James")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "George")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "Charles")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to (prompt: "What is your name?"))So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "Mary")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "Anna")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "Margaret")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "Helen")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $firstname to "Elizabeth")So your name is $firstname. What is your surname? [[Smith|My last name is Smith.]] [[Jones|My last name is Jones.]] [[Brown|My last name is Brown.]] [[Taylor|My last name is Taylor.]] [[Williams|My last name is Williams.]] My last name is [[different|My surname is...]](set: $lastname to "Smith")So your name is $firstname $lastname. Just a few more questions about yourself, while you're still waking up. What color hair do you have? [[Dark brown|My hair is a sable brown.]] [[Light brown|My hair is a sorrel brown.]] [[Blond|My hair is honeyed blond.]] [[Ginger|My hair is a deep auburn.]] [[Black|My hair is a raven black.]] [[Random|(either: "My hair is a sorrel brown.","My hair is a sable brown.","My hair is a honeyed blond.","My hair is a deep auburn.","My hair is a raven black.")]](set: $lastname to "Jones")So your name is $firstname $lastname. Just a few more questions about yourself, while you're still waking up. What color hair do you have? [[Dark brown|My hair is a sable brown.]] [[Light brown|My hair is a sorrel brown.]] [[Blond|My hair is honeyed blond.]] [[Ginger|My hair is a deep auburn.]] [[Black|My hair is a raven black.]] [[Random|(either: "My hair is a sorrel brown.","My hair is a sable brown.","My hair is a honeyed blond.","My hair is a deep auburn.","My hair is a raven black.")]](set: $lastname to "Brown")So your name is $firstname $lastname. Just a few more questions about yourself, while you're still waking up. What color hair do you have? [[Dark brown|My hair is a sable brown.]] [[Light brown|My hair is a sorrel brown.]] [[Blond|My hair is honeyed blond.]] [[Ginger|My hair is a deep auburn.]] [[Black|My hair is a raven black.]] [[Random|(either: "My hair is a sorrel brown.","My hair is a sable brown.","My hair is a honeyed blond.","My hair is a deep auburn.","My hair is a raven black.")]](set: $lastname to "Taylor")So your name is $firstname $lastname. Just a few more questions about yourself, while you're still waking up. What color hair do you have? [[Dark brown|My hair is a sable brown.]] [[Light brown|My hair is a sorrel brown.]] [[Blond|My hair is honeyed blond.]] [[Ginger|My hair is a deep auburn.]] [[Black|My hair is a raven black.]] [[Random|(either: "My hair is a sorrel brown.","My hair is a sable brown.","My hair is a honeyed blond.","My hair is a deep auburn.","My hair is a raven black.")]](set: $lastname to "Williams")So your name is $firstname $lastname. Just a few more questions about yourself, while you're still waking up. What color hair do you have? [[Dark brown|My hair is a sable brown.]] [[Light brown|My hair is a sorrel brown.]] [[Blond|My hair is honeyed blond.]] [[Ginger|My hair is a deep auburn.]] [[Black|My hair is a raven black.]] [[Random|(either: "My hair is a sorrel brown.","My hair is a sable brown.","My hair is a honeyed blond.","My hair is a deep auburn.","My hair is a raven black.")]](set: $lastname to (prompt:"What is your last name?"))So your name is $firstname $lastname. Just a few more questions about yourself, while you're still waking up. What color hair do you have? [[Dark brown|My hair is a sable brown.]] [[Light brown|My hair is a sorrel brown.]] [[Blond|My hair is honeyed blond.]] [[Ginger|My hair is a deep auburn.]] [[Black|My hair is a raven black.]] [[Random|(either: "My hair is a sorrel brown.","My hair is a sable brown.","My hair is a honeyed blond.","My hair is a deep auburn.","My hair is a raven black.")]](set: $hair to "dark brown")(set: $hairC to "Dark brown")You are known for your sable hair. And what about your eyes? [[Amber|My eyes are a light amber-brown.]] [[Black|My eyes are a black-brown.]] [[Blue|My eyes are a sapphire blue.]] [[Brown|My eyes are a muddy brown.]] [[Green|My eyes are a jade green.]] [[Hazel|My eyes change between brown and green.]] [[Random|(either: "My eyes are a light amber-brown.","My eyes are a black-brown.","My eyes change between brown and green.","My eyes are a muddy brown.","My eyes are a sapphire blue.","My eyes are a jade green.")]](set: $hair to "light brown")(set: $hairC to "Light brown")You are known for your sorrel hair. And what about your eyes? [[Amber|My eyes are a light amber-brown.]] [[Black|My eyes are a black-brown.]] [[Blue|My eyes are a sapphire blue.]] [[Brown|My eyes are a muddy brown.]] [[Green|My eyes are a jade green.]] [[Hazel|My eyes change between brown and green.]] [[Random|(either: "My eyes are a light amber-brown.","My eyes are a black-brown.","My eyes change between brown and green.","My eyes are a muddy brown.","My eyes are a sapphire blue.","My eyes are a jade green.")]](set: $hair to "blond")(set: $hairC to "Blond")You are known for your honeyed hair. And what about your eyes? [[Amber|My eyes are a light amber-brown.]] [[Black|My eyes are a black-brown.]] [[Blue|My eyes are a sapphire blue.]] [[Brown|My eyes are a muddy brown.]] [[Green|My eyes are a jade green.]] [[Hazel|My eyes change between brown and green.]] [[Random|(either: "My eyes are a light amber-brown.","My eyes are a black-brown.","My eyes change between brown and green.","My eyes are a muddy brown.","My eyes are a sapphire blue.","My eyes are a jade green.")]](set: $hair to "red")(set: $hairC to "Red")You are known for your auburn hair. And what about your eyes? [[Amber|My eyes are a light amber-brown.]] [[Black|My eyes are a black-brown.]] [[Blue|My eyes are a sapphire blue.]] [[Brown|My eyes are a muddy brown.]] [[Green|My eyes are a jade green.]] [[Hazel|My eyes change between brown and green.]] [[Random|(either: "My eyes are a light amber-brown.","My eyes are a black-brown.","My eyes change between brown and green.","My eyes are a muddy brown.","My eyes are a sapphire blue.","My eyes are a jade green.")]](set: $hair to "black")(set: $hairC to "Black")You are known for your raven hair. And what about your eyes? [[Amber|My eyes are a light amber-brown.]] [[Black|My eyes are a black-brown.]] [[Blue|My eyes are a sapphire blue.]] [[Brown|My eyes are a muddy brown.]] [[Green|My eyes are a jade green.]] [[Hazel|My eyes change between brown and green.]] [[Random|(either: "My eyes are a light amber-brown.","My eyes are a black-brown.","My eyes change between brown and green.","My eyes are a muddy brown.","My eyes are a sapphire blue.","My eyes are a jade green.")]](set: $eye to "amber")(set: $eyeC to "Amber")So you are a $gender. Your name is $firstname $lastname. You have $hair hair and $eye eyes. Is this correct? [[Yes|In your room.]] [[No|Are you a young man or a young lady?]](set: $eye to "black")(set: $eyeC to "Black")So you are a $gender. Your name is $firstname $lastname. You have $hair hair and $eye eyes. Is this correct? [[Yes|In your room.]] [[No|Are you a young man or a young lady?]](set: $eye to "blue")(set: $eyeC to "Blue")So you are a $gender. Your name is $firstname $lastname. You have $hair hair and $eye eyes. Is this correct? [[Yes|In your room.]] [[No|Are you a young man or a young lady?]](set: $eye to "brown") So you are a $gender. Your name is $firstname $lastname. You have $hair hair and $eye eyes. Is this correct? [[Yes|In your room.]] [[No|Are you a young man or a young lady?]](set: $eye to "green") So you are a $gender. Your name is $firstname $lastname. You have $hair hair and $eye eyes. Is this correct? [[Yes|In your room.]] [[No|Are you a young man or a young lady?]](set: $eye to "hazel") So you are a $gender. Your name is $firstname $lastname. You have $hair hair and $eye eyes. Is this correct? [[Yes|In your room.]] [[No|Are you a young man or a young lady?]]"...$title $lastname." In enters your $waiting, $waitingname. (if: $waiting is "valet")[He](else:)[She] steps into your room and toward your bed. (if: $waiting is "valet")[He](else:)[She] folds back the covers to reveal your rumpled dressing gown before moving around. You were dreaming, you recall as $waitingname moves about. It was about your childhood- different memories that you recall even now. The first dream involved you attempting to climb a tree. [[I couldn't even get off the ground, though I tried as much as my young body could.|You were so sad that day below the tree.]] [[I was able to climb up a little bit. In fact, I got as far as the first branch! I was so proud of myself, though I didn't go any higher.|It was quite fun for you.]] [[I made my way up through the branches, even though I almost stumbled a few times. I scared my parents so badly- but the scolding was worth it.|Was it really?]] [[I was a veritable squirrel, dancing through the branches up at the top of the tree. My parents couldn't find me until I decided to come down.|Yes, you quite enjoyed it up there.]]You couldn't even make it up, though your scratched and raw palms attested to your tries. (set: $dex to 25) Your next memory was with your tutor. He had just delivered a test to you- on history, science, and the monarchy of the kingdom. How did you do on it? [[I failed. Miserably.|Your tutor wasn't thrilled.]] [[I did alright. It wasn't anything amazing, but I didn't flunk it either.|You forgot about it the next day even.]] [[There were a few things I couldn't remember, a few questions I was unsure of, but overall I did well.|Not your best work.]] [[I aced it, fair and square.|Quite the genius, you are.]]You weren't the most nimble of children, but your determination to get into those branches more than made up for that.(set: $dex to 50) Your next memory was with your tutor. He had just delivered a test to you- on history, science, and the monarchy of the kingdom. How did you do on it? [[I failed. Miserably.|Your tutor wasn't thrilled.]] [[I did alright. It wasn't anything amazing, but I didn't flunk it either.|You forgot about it the next day even.]] [[There were a few things I couldn't remember, a few questions I was unsure of, but overall I did well.|Not your best work.]] [[I aced it, fair and square.|Quite the genius, you are.]]Was it worth it? Yes. Yes it was. (set: $dex to 65) Your next memory was with your tutor. He had just delivered a test to you- on history, science, and the monarchy of the kingdom. How did you do on it? [[I failed. Miserably.|Your tutor wasn't thrilled.]] [[I did alright. It wasn't anything amazing, but I didn't flunk it either.|You forgot about it the next day even.]] [[There were a few things I couldn't remember, a few questions I was unsure of, but overall I did well.|Not your best work.]] [[I aced it, fair and square.|Quite the genius, you are.]]Your clothes were even in pristine condition once you returned. While you still got a lecture for disappearing, it could have beene worse- your parents could have found you thirty feet off the ground. (set: $dex to 80) Your next memory was with your tutor. He had just delivered a test to you- on history, science, and the monarchy of the kingdom. How did you do on it? [[I failed. Miserably.|Your tutor wasn't thrilled.]] [[I did alright. It wasn't anything amazing, but I didn't flunk it either.|You forgot about it the next day even.]] [[There were a few things I couldn't remember, a few questions I was unsure of, but overall I did well.|Not your best work.]] [[I aced it, fair and square.|Quite the genius, you are.]]You always struggled during tests and with your tutor, no matter how hard he tried to get you to remember facts and equations. (set: $int to 25) Your testing prowess (or lack thereof) flipped around to become a dream of others staring at you. How did they react? [[They were terrified! I hate to say this, but I really don't have much pull or great looks. I make Quasimodo look like an Adonis.|Could I interest you in wearing a mask? No?]] [[I was neither under scrutiny nor could I convince any adult to my perspective, generally while trying to get out of trouble.|You could even say you were average.]] [[I could get what I wanted when I needed it, but I wouldn't say I drew anyone's eye growing up.|A very magnetic personality, then.]] [[I not only got what I wanted, but I was the apple of everyone's eye (even when I shouldn't have been) and I was always the one other children were held to standard.|Modest, too, aren't you?]]Academia was neither your strongest point, nor was it your weakest. You didn't particularly care for it either. (set: $int to 50) Your testing prowess (as little as it was) flipped around to become a dream of others staring at you. How did they react? [[They were terrified! I hate to say this, but I really don't have much pull or great looks. I make Quasimodo look like an Adonis.|Could I interest you in wearing a mask? No?]] [[I was neither under scrutiny nor could I convince any adult to my perspective, generally while trying to get out of trouble.|You could even say you were average.]] [[I could get what I wanted when I needed it, but I wouldn't say I drew anyone's eye growing up.|A very magnetic personality, then.]] [[I not only got what I wanted, but I was the apple of everyone's eye (even when I shouldn't have been) and I was always the one other children were held to standard.|Modest, too, aren't you?]]Not your best work. But neither was it terrible. After all, you applied yourself diligently, but there was only so much you could remember as a child. (set: $int to 65) Your testing prowess (or lack thereof) flipped around to become a dream of others staring at you. How did they react? [[They were terrified! I hate to say this, but I really don't have much pull or great looks. I make Quasimodo look like an Adonis.|Could I interest you in wearing a mask? No?]] [[I was neither under scrutiny nor could I convince any adult to my perspective, generally while trying to get out of trouble.|You could even say you were average.]] [[I could get what I wanted when I needed it, but I wouldn't say I drew anyone's eye growing up.|A very magnetic personality, then.]] [[I not only got what I wanted, but I was the apple of everyone's eye (even when I shouldn't have been) and I was always the one other children were held to standard.|Modest, too, aren't you?]]You were the glowing star of your tutor's limited career. Books were your friends, you could easily remember long names or complex sums, and best of all, you enjoyed it. (set: $int to 80) Your testing prowess (or lack thereof) flipped around to become a dream of others staring at you. How did they react? [[They were terrified! I hate to say this, but I really don't have much pull or great looks. I make Quasimodo look like an Adonis.|Could I interest you in wearing a mask? No?]] [[I was neither under scrutiny nor could I convince any adult to my perspective, generally while trying to get out of trouble.|You could even say you were average.]] [[I could get what I wanted when I needed it, but I wouldn't say I drew anyone's eye growing up.|A very magnetic personality, then.]] [[I not only got what I wanted, but I was the apple of everyone's eye (even when I shouldn't have been) and I was always the one other children were held to standard.|Modest, too, aren't you?]]Yes, you were constantly powdered and prodded or hidden away. Your visage was and still is one that causes even the gentlest of nobles to shutter in revulsion. (set: $cha to 25) While growing up, you were still required to perform some physical labor. After all, it develops character. What sort of work were you given? [[Only the lightest of tasks- helping Mother carry in baskets of produce, perhaps lifting a chicken or two.|Often you thought your clothes were much too heavy.]] [[Some general tasks such as carrying packages inside the house, though the heaviest ones were left to the butlers and maids.|Saved you some work, definitely.]] [[You enjoyed helping your Father rearrange the furniture to Mother's satisfaction...sometimes daily.|It meant you developed some muscle, though.]] [[You often snuck out to the barn to help the stablemen to break in some of the newer horses. The thrill of pitting your strength against a wild beast was exhilirating!|You were born a regular Hercules.]]People neither looked upon you with revulsion nor with appreciation. You were overlooked quite often, which was fine with you. (set: $cha to 50) While growing up, you were still required to perform some physical labor. After all, it develops character. What sort of work were you given? [[Only the lightest of tasks- helping Mother carry in baskets of produce, perhaps lifting a chicken or two.|Often you thought your clothes were much too heavy.]] [[Some general tasks such as carrying packages inside the house, though the heaviest ones were left to the butlers and maids.|Saved you some work, definitely.]] [[You enjoyed helping your Father rearrange the furniture to Mother's satisfaction...sometimes daily.|It meant you developed some muscle, though.]] [[You often snuck out to the barn to help the stablemen to break in some of the newer horses. The thrill of pitting your strength against a wild beast was exhilirating!|You were born a regular Hercules.]](if: $gender is "woman")[People were drawn to you not for your looks, but for something they couldn't place. It was not that hard for you to convince another kid to do what you wanted, something you exploited quite a bit.](elseif: $gender is "man")[You were not pretty, but rather handsome with a very memorable personality. This definitely drew people to you.] (set: $cha to 65) While growing up, you were still required to perform some physical labor. After all, it develops character. What sort of work were you given? [[Only the lightest of tasks- helping Mother carry in baskets of produce, perhaps lifting a chicken or two.|Often you thought your clothes were much too heavy.]] [[Some general tasks such as carrying packages inside the house, though the heaviest ones were left to the butlers and maids.|Saved you some work, definitely.]] [[You enjoyed helping your Father rearrange the furniture to Mother's satisfaction...sometimes daily.|It meant you developed some muscle, though.]] [[You often snuck out to the barn to help the stablemen to break in some of the newer horses. The thrill of pitting your strength against a wild beast was exhilirating!|You were born a regular Hercules.]]Of course. A $gentle like you is always modest. You are also very good at getting your way, through your looks or wiles.(if: $gender is "woman")[ You drew the eyes of gentlemen once you flowered into a proper woman and absolutely glowed during your first official ball.](elseif: $gender is "man")[This is both good and bad: good because you get your way quite often; bad because you are often taken as a woman initially.] (set: $cha to 80) While growing up, you were still required to perform some physical labor. After all, it develops character. What sort of work were you given? [[Only the lightest of tasks- helping Mother carry in baskets of produce, perhaps lifting a chicken or two.|Often you thought your clothes were much too heavy.]] [[Some general tasks such as carrying packages inside the house, though the heaviest ones were left to the butlers and maids.|Saved you some work, definitely.]] [[You enjoyed helping your Father rearrange the furniture to Mother's satisfaction...sometimes daily.|It meant you developed some muscle, though.]] [[You often snuck out to the barn to help the stablemen to break in some of the newer horses. The thrill of pitting your strength against a wild beast was exhilirating!|You were born a regular Hercules.]]You were easily knocked over by a light breeze or the slightest cough. It made chill winter days interesting. (set: $str to 25) One day, after your chores, you found a piece of cheese lying in the straw of your horse's stall. Your parents had recently been teaching you about exotic foods, and more than once you ate something that looked awful but tasted wonderful. You ate the piece of cheese. What happened? [[I was sick for days. To this day, occasionally cheese makes me queasy.|Would you like some gouda?]] [[I didn't feel well for the rest of the evening, but the next morning I was ravenous.|Perhaps you didn't dive for the cheese-and-ham quiche.]] [[A bit later I had a bit of an upset stomach, but it was rather worth it for the aged quality.|Cheese is still something you enjoy to this day, even.]] [[I searched for more but couldn't find any.|You realize the cheese was rancid, correct?]]You were never required to do overly physical things, which is (if: $gender is "woman")[perfectly suitable for a young lady.](elseif: $gender is "man")[a rather embarrasing fact for you.] (set: $str to 50) One day, after your chores, you found a piece of cheese lying in the straw of your horse's stall. Your parents had recently been teaching you about exotic foods, and more than once you ate something that looked awful but tasted wonderful. You ate the piece of cheese. What happened? [[I was sick for days. To this day, occasionally cheese makes me queasy.|Would you like some gouda?]] [[I didn't feel well for the rest of the evening, but the next morning I was ravenous.|Perhaps you didn't dive for the cheese-and-ham quiche.]] [[A bit later I had a bit of an upset stomach, but it was rather worth it for the aged quality.|Cheese is still something you enjoy to this day, even.]] [[I searched for more but couldn't find any.|You realize the cheese was rancid, correct?]](if: $gender is "woman")[You were stronger than other girls your age, but that was fine. Your muscles were not defined enough for you to stand out overly much.](elseif: $gender is "man")[Once you were of age, your prowess and muscle definitely helped to garner you a few glances.] (set: $str to 65) One day, after your chores, you found a piece of cheese lying in the straw of your horse's stall. Your parents had recently been teaching you about exotic foods, and more than once you ate something that looked awful but tasted wonderful. You ate the piece of cheese. What happened? [[I was sick for days. To this day, occasionally cheese makes me queasy.|Would you like some gouda?]] [[I didn't feel well for the rest of the evening, but the next morning I was ravenous.|Perhaps you didn't dive for the cheese-and-ham quiche.]] [[A bit later I had a bit of an upset stomach, but it was rather worth it for the aged quality.|Cheese is still something you enjoy to this day, even.]] [[I searched for more but couldn't find any.|You realize the cheese was rancid, correct?]]You were born with muscle to spare. (if: $gender is "woman")[This meant that you stood out in a crowd. You often played with the boys, much to the chagrin of your mother, though you could also definitely give them a whollop.](elseif: $gender is "man")[This made you stand out for all the right reasons. You were always willing to lend a (very strong) hand to help, and to this day you still have some of your bulk.] (set: $str to 80) One day, after your chores, you found a piece of cheese lying in the straw of your horse's stall. Your parents had recently been teaching you about exotic foods, and more than once you ate something that looked awful but tasted wonderful. You ate the piece of cheese. What happened? [[I was sick for days. To this day, occasionally cheese makes me queasy.|Would you like some gouda?]] [[I didn't feel well for the rest of the evening, but the next morning I was ravenous.|Perhaps you didn't dive for the cheese-and-ham quiche.]] [[A bit later I had a bit of an upset stomach, but it was rather worth it for the aged quality.|Cheese is still something you enjoy to this day, even.]] [[I searched for more but couldn't find any.|You realize the cheese was rancid, correct?]](set: $cheese to "retch") Would you like some gouda? (set: $con to 25) When you were younger, you were quite often in trouble. How was your judgement and intuition? [[I was never let out of my parents' sight. They really couldn't trust me not to walk into a door.|Truly a remarkable feat.]] [[I could be trusted as well as any child not to get into too much trouble.|So not overly mature, then.]] [[I was able to judge when to back away and when to run, as well as could usually tell when something was wrong.|Quite perceptive of you.]] [[My judgement is impeccable, and I always knew when something was wrong and, generally, what caused it.|Nothing gets the drop on you, does it?]](set: $cheese to "queasy") Perhaps you didn't dive for the cheese-and-ham quiche at dinner for a while. Even so, you were neither more nor less sick than any child during winter, even if you couldn't always hold down your food. (set: $con to 50) When you were younger, you were quite often in trouble. How was your judgement and intuition? [[I was never let out of my parents' sight. They really couldn't trust me not to walk into a door.|Truly a remarkable feat.]] [[I could be trusted as well as any child not to get into too much trouble.|So not overly mature, then.]] [[I was able to judge when to back away and when to run, as well as could usually tell when something was wrong.|Quite perceptive of you.]] [[My judgement is impeccable, and I always knew when something was wrong and, generally, what caused it.|Nothing gets the drop on you, does it?]](set: $cheese to "hungry") Cheese is still something you sometimes enjoy, even. But that is neither here nor there, is it? You can eat some questionable things, but once and a while it still turns your stomach. (set: $con to 65) When you were younger, you were quite often in trouble. How was your judgement and intuition? [[I was never let out of my parents' sight. They really couldn't trust me not to walk into a door.|Truly a remarkable feat.]] [[I could be trusted as well as any child not to get into too much trouble.|So not overly mature, then.]] [[I was able to judge when to back away and when to run, as well as could usually tell when something was wrong.|Quite perceptive of you.]] [[My judgement is impeccable, and I always knew when something was wrong and, generally, what caused it.|Nothing gets the drop on you, does it?]](set: $cheese to "hungry")You realize that cheese was rancid, correct? Yes, you do. Doesn't stop it from being one of the best pieces of mold you've eaten before. (set: $con to 80) When you were younger, you were quite often in trouble. How was your judgement and intuition? [[I was never let out of my parents' sight. They really couldn't trust me not to walk into a door.|Truly a remarkable feat.]] [[I could be trusted as well as any child not to get into too much trouble.|So not overly mature, then.]] [[I was able to judge when to back away and when to run, as well as could usually tell when something was wrong.|Quite perceptive of you.]] [[My judgement is impeccable, and I always knew when something was wrong and, generally, what caused it.|Nothing gets the drop on you, does it?]]Hey, anyone can walk into a door, couldn't they? Some just did so more often than others. (set: $wis to 25) [[Continue|Shortly after, your dream changed.]]So not particularly mature, are you? (set: $wis to 50) [[Continue|Shortly after, your dream changed.]]You often enjoyed watching others and seeing what you could pick up from observation. (set: $wis to 65) [[Continue|Shortly after, your dream changed.]]Absolutely nothing gets the drop on you, and you prefer it that way. (set: $wis to 80) [[Continue|Shortly after, your dream changed.]]You were still dreaming after that, you knew, but it was less a visitation of old memories and more a hint of what was to come. (set: $percep to $wis + $int) (set: $hp to 100) [Stats: Health: $hp Strength: $str Dexterity: $dex Constitution: $con Intelligence: $int Wisdom: $wis Charisma: $cha Perception: $percep Honor: 0 Reputation: 0 Money: 0] [[Continue|You stretch and yawn, reluctantly waking up.]]You stretch and yawn, your spine crackling as you slowly rise. You are... [[I'm old...ish.|And older person]] [[A spring chicken!|Young and fresh]](set: $age to "advanced age")You were brought up with your family in a country estate. After your parents passed in a tragic carriage accident it was left to you, their only child. It is... [[Small but cozy.|Poor wealth]] [[Modest, but well-furnished.|Medium wealth]] [[Tastefully decorated with a large acreage to it.|Large wealth]] [[Lavish and large, with maids for your maids and butlers for your butlers.|Ridiculously wealthy]](set: $age to "youth")You're still learning, and you still live with your parents, but you're excited for your coming-of-age ball at your estate. It is... [[Small but cozy.|Poor wealth]] [[Modest, but well-furnished.|Medium wealth]] [[Tastefully decorated with a large acreage to it.|Large wealth]] [[Lavish and large, with maids for your maids and butlers for your butlers.|Ridiculously wealthy]]Your family was not the best off- perhaps lower middle class. Unfortunately it means that, while you still have some money, you have to be very prudent with how you spend it. (set: $money to 300)You have $money sterling to spend when you join the social season this year. (set: $rep to 10)(set: $honor to 10) [[Get up|Rise and shine!]]You were never close to starving, but occasionally times were tight. Currently, you are experiencing one of those belt-tightening periods.(set: $money to 400) You have $money sterling set aside for the coming social season. (set: $rep to 20)(set: $honor to 10) [[Get up|Rise and shine!]]Your family has always had some money to spare, and you want for nothing. There are others around that do not have as much as you, and you are still grateful your parents' careful spending has lead to you not worry about your finances.(set: $money to 500) You have $money sterling set aside for the coming social season.(set: $rep to 40)(set: $honor to 10) [[Get up|Rise and shine!]]Your family name is old, and with that comes the prestige and wealth of your forefathers. You have money coming out of your ears and aren't always cautious about your spending.(set: $money to 700) You have $money sterling set aside for the coming social season. (set: $rep to 55)(set: $honor to 10) [[Get up|Rise and shine!]]This is a choose-your-own adventure set in the middle of a world resembling mid-Victorian era England. You will be presented to society and have to survive the social season to the best of your abilities. Please be aware- a story becomes more fun and interesting when you experience weaknesses. I advise that you do not always choose the best option (though you are also welcome to do so), for where would the fun in a perfect protagonist be? The object of this game is to secure a good marriage- whether 'good' is married for love, or if it's marriage to a wealthy gentleman (or gentlewoman). You will need to manage your money and events will happen, with your attributes and skills affecting your options. I'd like to thank Inu, Watch, Greenreaper, and Kanaria for helping me with this. I truly hope you enjoy this game, which is still being created. Xailiav [[Play|The Beginning]](if: $money is 300)[Your room is small. It is just large enough for your bed, a table, and an armoire for your clothes.](elseif: $money is 400)[Your room is a moderate size, though with few furnishings. You have a well-made bed, a dressing table, and an armoire for your clothing.](elseif: $money is 500)[Your room is large, as befitting your home. You not only have the basics- bed, table, armoire -but a small fireplace and a bookshelf with your knick-knacks and a few books.](elseif: $money is 700)[Your room is lavish. You have a large fireplace opposite your bed, two tables near your bed, a large room beyond an archway for your clothing, a small sitting area. You are aware that it is overkill, but you deserve the best.] Slowly, you stand and let $waitingname dress you. $waitingpovC helps you into your (if: $gender is "man")[pants, shirt, vest, and jacket, brushing imaginary dust off of your shoulders.](elseif: $gender is "woman")[undergarments, tightening the corset to almost painful proportions. The dress goes over the top before she works on your hair, piling curls atop your head in a large, slightly older style. It takes some time.] Then, opening the door, you make your way down to eat. (if: $age is "advanced age")[[[Get breakfast|Breakfast time old]]](elseif: $age is "youth")[[[Get breakfast|Breakfast time young]]]You make your way down to your parlor. (if: $money is 300)[For breakfast, your fare is modest but well made. While you eat, you make your final arrangements to leave.](elseif: $money is 400)[For breakfast, you have some meat, though most of your meal consists of filling but inexpensive items such as porridge and bread.](elseif: $money is 500)[An array of rich foods lay before you- warm meats, sweet fruits, soft breads, even simple items like porridge.](elseif: $money is 700)[A veritable feast awaits you as you arrive. Loaded on your table are items that not only took time to make, but are artfully arranged- such as the delicate fruit bouquet sitting in a vase nearby.] (if: $gender is "woman")[$waitingname will accompany you for the season. This is one of the last times you will be able to attend due to your advanced age, so it is imperative you secure a husband. Whether or not this for financial security or for romance, you are running out of time before you turn out like Miss Charlotte just down the lane. As you eat you make a mental list of things that you will need when you arrive in the capital- gowns for day and evening, scarves, gloves, parasols, shoes, undergarments, and hats.](elseif: $gender is "man")[$waitingname will accompany you for the season and to help you dress. You will be attending parliament, using your influence and reputation to pass or block potential laws. In your youth you made some contacts, but now it is high time to settle down with a wife, to continue your legacy. You will need to plan on gifts to woo your intended- jewelry, exotic scents, flowers, perhaps a poem written in your own hand.] You just hope you have enough money to attend everything. (if: $gender is "man")[[[To the capital!|Male path]]](elseif: $gender is "woman")[[[To the capital!|Female path]]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You make your way down to your parlor. Your father an mother are already dressed and there, as well as your kid sister, Jane. You grasp your father's shoulder, peck your mother and Jane on the cheek, and take your place at the table. (if: $money is 300)[For breakfast, your fare is modest but well made.](elseif: $money is 400)[For breakfast, you have some meat, though most of your meal consists of filling but inexpensive items such as porridge and bread.](elseif: $money is 500)[An array of rich foods lay before you- warm meats, sweet fruits, soft breads, even simple items like porridge.](elseif: $money is 700)[A veritable feast awaits you as you arrive. Loaded on your table are items that not only took time to make, but are artfully arranged- such as the delicate fruit bouquet sitting in a vase nearby.] Your mother begins to speak of inconsequential things before your father gets down to business. "Now, $firstname, while you're in the capital, you will need to hold yourself to the highest of standards. I do not need to tell you that everyone will be watching you." (if: $gender is "woman")[Your mother and $waitingname will accompany you for the season. This will be your first appearance in the capital, and you are incredibly excited! You definitely hope to secure a marriage proposal. Whether or not this is for financial security or for romance, you don't want to turn out like Miss Charlotte just down the lane. As you eat you make a mental list of things that you will need when you arrive in the capital- gowns for day and evening, scarves, gloves, parasols, shoes, undergarments, and hats. Your mother mimics your thoughts, and together you begin to make a battle plan.](elseif: $gender is "man")[Your father and $waitingname will accompany you for the season. You will be attending parliament with your father, building influence and a reputation to influence others. You do not have to seek a wife yet, though you can tell your mother is hoping for grand children. Just in case you make a list of gifts suitable to woo a young (or older) woman- jewelry, exotic scents, flowers, perhaps a poem written in your own hand.] You just hope you have enough money to attend everything. (if: $gender is "man")[[[To the capital!|Male path]]](elseif: $gender is "woman")[[[To the capital!|Female path]]](if: $money is 300)[You arrive at your small apartment in the capital. It is all you can afford, but it is definitely cozy. Besides your bedroom and a room for $waitingname you have a kitchenette and a parlor. You will make do.](elseif: $money is 400)[You were able to find a large flat in the heart of the capital. Besides a room for yourself and another for $waitingname, you have a kitchen, dining room, parlor, and a small balcony for tea.](elseif: $money is 500)[You were able to find a small house in a quiet district of the capital. It's a bit of a walk to parliament, but it's worth it to be able to afford a butler, chef, and maid to help $waitingname.](elseif: $money is 700)[You are using your family home in the city- a large place with guest bedrooms, a tea room, even a small ballroom. It is lavish and opulent and just down the street from parliament.]This is the current end of the female choice path. It will be updated soon.